
And I Am Telling You...

So here's Jennifer Hudson supposed album cover. Her face is beautiful and her body looks sick (I see you , Photoshop), but this is pretty boring. 

And with all the designer clothes at your disposal after covering Vogue, knowing André Leon Talley, and filming Sex in the City, you wear a $40 dress from American Apparel?! Really?

have you learned nothing... smh.


  1. Yes the AA dress was a no-no. Wonder how she feels about this slimmer waist. She needs to talk to Toccara about having editors accepting her body & still getting a hot pic. This does nothingfor me ... not even deep! No Shade

  2. American Apparel rocks! Love you Caz lol

  3. lmaooooo oh NO! that photoshop did her IN!


Remember what your mama said!
P.S. or not.