
I couldn't resist

When I first came across this shoe, I thought where is anyone wearing this? What is this outfit gonna look like? Why does it cost $4,000? Then all my questions were answered...

None other than the "Baddest B" rocked them with basic J brand jeans and matching jacket (by Mama Tina) while performing at last year's American Music Awards. Personally, I think this look is SICK! It's not an easy shoe to coordinate so mad props to the red lipstick lover for putting this one together. Very mod.

As a side note, designer Pierre Hardy created the shoe for Balenciaga's Spring 2007 collection. Check out the other styles.

that's all for now.

Coming Soon...

I promise several posts in the upcoming weeks. I really wanted to start things off with bang; unfortunately I have finals :-( so for the next two weeks I'll be spending most of my time in the library unearthing ancient and dusty texts on religious violence, racism, minstrelsy... But once it's all done (and i take a much needed nap) I promise crazy updates.

Don't be distressed, Elie, Marc, Michael, and Karl are busy stitching embellished (and beaded)  S's across their chests... 
(queue music by Mario)



So I have been thinking and talking (but mostly thinking) about creating a blog for a long time and I have finally decided to start one. I'm mad hype to share my thoughts with the world wide web. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to COMMENT!